Sunday, August 10, 2008

an update....

So I figured it was about time for a bit of an update. In my last post I was worried about the kittens. After taking them to the vet we've discovered that it was likely that they had tapeworms but were given a medicine for three different kinds of worms. Other then that they're perfectly healthy! No ear mites, fleas or other problems.

In other news, Jim and I finally saw "The Dark Knight". Personally I was a little confused by most of it but Jim said that was because I haven't watched "Batman Begins" yet. However I knew enough to appreciate the role that Heath Ledger played as the Joker. Fantastic! So dark and creepy! I've heard so many people comparing his Joker to that of Jack Nicholson but I don't think you really can compare the two. Ledger's was simply a different character in a different Batman movie. Nicholson also did a fantastic job, his Joker wasn't nearly as dark personality wise but neither was the entire movie he was in.

Today I'm spending the day working on reorganizing the studio. When Jim and I picked up the kittens, everything that they might get into got shoved into my studio. There's so much stuff that I can barely walk in there, let alone work! And believe me, with the show at Pagan Pride Day in Dover coming up on the 24th, I have a lot of work to do!