Monday, June 23, 2008

the move....

after a week of headaches (and backaches!) my husband and I are finally moved into our new house. However I can't find anything! Ah, the trials of moving. I got the kitchen straightened up today but I still don't have a living or dining room because of all the boxes. I need to find more time in my day to put everything where it belongs. Unfortunately I won't be able to get my Etsy shop back up and running this week. I feel like I can't function properly in all of this clutter!

On a sad note, I was upset to hear about George Carlin's death. He died Sunday evening at 5:55PST. I've been a fan of George Carlin for many, many years and have always loved his work. Comedy and the world in general has lost one of the best comics we've ever had. However the "Seven Dirty Words" will live on forever in comedy's history.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


At long last, my husband and I have found a house to rent in our area. After having so many issues with our apartment (and the management), we wanted to make sure that we moved into our own house. A landlord is fine, but a management system at an apartment complex is not. We found a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom house in a little, bitty township right outside of Dover. The landlord is also open to pets so after a bit we'll be getting a couple of cats. So we're in the processing of packing up our belongings for the move (which should occur around the 19th). However this means that I've had to close up my Etsy shop for the time being. I'll miss being directly involved with Etsy and the Homefront Team but I don't want to risk selling an item that I can't find because of the packing! And since I've been working on redoing all of my pictures for the shop, I'll be able to reopen my shop with brand new images. I'll try to keep everyone updated as this entire process moves along! (no pun intended...)